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Air Education

Knowledge is Power

Air Education

You are likely fully aware of the importance of drinking clean water. The average person drinks approximately 1 gallon of water per day (8 glasses). However most people don’t realize the importance of breathing clean air and how it affects our health both short and long term. The average person breathes the equivalent of 2000 – 3000 gallons of air per day ………..

We Spend Most Of Our Time Indoors

According to the EPA and American Lung Association, the average American spends close to 90% of their life indoors; at home, at work, in vehicles and in recreational environments.

However, most people are unaware of the effects that poor indoor air quality can have on their day to day and long-term health.”

The Air In Our Homes Is Much More Polluted Than The Air Outside.

The air inside the average North American home is 2 –5 times more polluted than outdoor air; in a non-smoking home.


Up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air in a home where smoking occurs.

Chemicals In Our Homes

Today There Are More Than 85,000 Synthetic Chemicals In Use In The United States. Over 70,000 Of These Chemical Compounds Have Been Invented In The Last 70 Years.

(Source: https://www.epa.gov/tsca-inventory/about-tsca-chemical-substance-inventory)

(Source: Herbert L. Needleman, M.D., Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Raising Children Toxic Free)

Less Than 2% Of Synthetic Chemicals Have Been Tested For Toxicity, Mutagenetic, Carcinogenic, Or birth Defects.

(A Approx. Only 1,600 Of The 85,000+ Chemicals In Use Today).

(Source: http://www.enviroalternatives.com/nontoxichome.html)

Many Of The Chemicals Found In Our Homes Can Become Airborne, Increasing Our Daily Exposure And Increasing The Risk To Our Health.

EPA’s Office of Research and Development’s “Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (TEAM) Study” (Volumes I through IV, completed in 1985) found levels of about a dozen common organic pollutants to be 2 to 5 times higher inside homes than outside, regardless of whether the homes were located in rural or highly industrial areas. TEAM studies indicated that while people are using products containing organic chemicals, they can expose themselves and others to very high pollutant levels, and elevated concentrations can persist in the air long after the activity is completed.

[Source: https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/volatile-organic-compounds-impact-indoor-air-quality]

150 Chemicals Found In The Home Are Connected To Allergies, Birth Defects, Cancer And Psychological Disorders.

[Source: Consumer Protection Agency (CPA)]

Knowledge is Power

Air Education

You are likely fully aware of the importance of drinking clean water. The average person drinks approximately 1 gallon of water per day (8 glasses). However most people don’t realize the importance of breathing clean air and how it affects our health both short and long term. The average person breathes the equivalent of 2000 – 3000 gallons of air per day ………..

You Spend About 90% Of your Time Indoors.

According to the EPA we spend nearly 90% of our time indoors; at work, at school and at home. If you are like most people, that means you spend almost all of your time indoors. This should be a major concern, when you consider this and the next fact together.

The Quality Of Indoor Air Can Be 2 To 5 Times (And Even Up To 10 Times) More Polluted Than The Worst outdoor Air.

The air inside the average North American home is 2 –5 times more polluted than outdoor air; in a non-smoking home.


Up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air in a home where smoking occurs.

Chemicals In Our Homes

The EPA Has Ranked Indoor Air Pollution Among The Top Five Environmental Dangers.

The Environmental Protection Agency has recognized that poor indoor air pollution is a very real problem and ranked it among the top of the environmental dangers facing the public.

There Has Been An Alarming Increase In The Number Of Children With Severe Allergies And Asthma.

The amount of children and young adults with severe allergies and asthma continues to climb every year. This has been linked to increasingly poor indoor air quality.

Many Of The Chemicals Found In Our Homes Can Become Airborne, Increasing Our Daily Exposure And Increasing The Risk To Our Health.

The American Heart Association has linked poor air quality to heart problems while the American Lung Association lists it as a leading cause of lung cancer.

Sources Of Indoor Air Pollution Are All Around You.

Studies conducted by the EPA have shown that indoor air quality is a problem for all types of homes, whether in a dense urban city or a rural town. Some of the sources include:

  • Building materials: insulation, carpet, cabinetry, pressed wood products
  • Chemical products: cleaning products, peronal care products, glues, pastes
  • Outdoor sources: radon, pesticides; pollen, outdoor air pollution
  • Other: pet dander, dust mites, mold, viruses

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