Clean Air For Your Home

Why Clean Air In Your Home Is So Important
Your home should be a safe haven, a comforting place where your body can rest and recuperate from life’s daily grind. The last thing you want to hear is that your home may be contributing to serious health problems for yourself and your family. But the fact is, today’s homes are being built more air tight than ever before, and while this is superb for energy – efficiency, it is extremely bad for indoor air quality.
Over 60 Toxic Chemicals Found In The Typical Home
A typical home contains over 60 toxic chemicals from such things as household cleaning products, carpets, furniture, paints, smoking, cooking and residential heating systems, all of which may be accumulating to dangerous levels inside the house. In addition, poor indoor air quality can result from:
- Pollen
- Mold Spores
- Pet Dander
- Dust Mites
- Dust
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Odors

These Pollutants Can Cause A Range Symptoms
In some cases, these pollutants can cause nasal congestion, itchy eyes, sore throats, nausea, headaches and fatigue. In more extreme situations, they can lead to serious health issues such as allergies, asthma, emphysema and bronchitis. Of even greater concern, long-term exposure to low levels of household chemicals and toxins can result in damage to the cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems, suppression of the immune system and cancer.
According To The EPA, Women Who Work In The Home Have A 54% Higher Death Rate From Cancer Than Women Who Work Outside Of The Home.
(Source: EPA - 17 year study)
Most people use air purifiers in the bedroom. While we sleep, our body regenerates and allows our immune system to rest and recover. Breathing clean air throughout the night lets you wake up feeling less congested and more refreshed. Other rooms that could benefit from an air purifier are:

Protection Of Delicate Developing Lungs
- Baby’s Room (protection of delicate developing lungs)
- Home Workshop (control of dust and fumes from paint and toxic solvents)
- Home Office (control of chemical off-gassing and ozone production from computers, printers, fax machines and photocopiers)
- Hobby Area (protection from toxic substances found in art supplies, solvents, glues and adhesives)
- Bedroom Over an Attached Garage (control of carbon monoxide that can seep into the house from the garage)
- Family Room (reduction of dust created by high traffic)
- Kitchen (removal of harmful particulates and gases generated by cooking at high temperatures)


Why Clean Air In Your Home Is So Important
Your home should be a safe haven, a comforting place where your body can rest and recuperate from life’s daily grind. The last thing you want to hear is that your home may be contributing to serious health problems for yourself and your family. But the fact is, today’s homes are being built more air tight than ever before, and while this is superb for energy – efficiency, it is extremely bad for indoor air quality.

Why Clean Air In Your Home Is So Important
A typical home contains over 60 toxic chemicals from such things as household cleaning products, carpets, furniture, paints, smoking, cooking and residential heating systems, all of which may be accumulating to dangerous levels inside the house. In addition, poor indoor air quality can result from:
- Pollen
- Mold Spores
- Pet Dander
- Dust Mites
- Dust
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Odors

These Pollutants Can Cause A Range Symptoms
In some cases, these pollutants can cause nasal congestion, itchy eyes, sore throats, nausea, headaches and fatigue. In more extreme situations, they can lead to serious health issues such as allergies, asthma, emphysema and bronchitis. Of even greater concern, long-term exposure to low levels of household chemicals and toxins can result in damage to the cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems, suppression of the immune system and cancer.
According To The EPA, Women Who Work In The Home Have A 54% Higher Death Rate From Cancer Than Women Who Work Outside Of The Home.
(Source: EPA - 17 year study)
Most people use air purifiers in the bedroom. While we sleep, our body regenerates and allows our immune system to rest and recover. Breathing clean air throughout the night lets you wake up feeling less congested and more refreshed. Other rooms that could benefit from an air purifier are:

Protection Of Delicate Developing Lungs
- Baby’s Room (protection of delicate developing lungs)
- Home Workshop (control of dust and fumes from paint and toxic solvents)
- Home Office (control of chemical off-gassing and ozone production from computers, printers, fax machines and photocopiers)
- Hobby Area (protection from toxic substances found in art supplies, solvents, glues and adhesives)
- Bedroom Over an Attached Garage (control of carbon monoxide that can seep into the house from the garage)
- Family Room (reduction of dust created by high traffic)
- Kitchen (removal of harmful particulates and gases generated by cooking at high temperatures)