Clean Air For Daycares And Preschools
Daycares and Preschools

Myth: Hand Sanitizer Stops Colds And The Flu
Using Hand Sanitizer Can Stop The Spread Of Illness That Is Passed Through Physical Contact.
——— However———
It Does Very Little On It’s Own For The Spread Of Airborne Illnesses Like The Cold And Flue
Fact: Cleaning The Air Stops Colds And The Flu
The Common Cold And Flu Viruses Are Passed From Human To Human Through Airborne Exposure To Droplet Nuclei. Spending Long Periods Of Time Around Others In Confined Spaces (i.e. At Schools) Increases Your Chance Of Infections
An Air Purifier Using UV-C

It's Simple!
It’s Simple! Polluted air is drawn into the Zephyr through air intakes located on each side of the machine. The polluted air then passes through the Zephyr’s 7 Stage Filtration System and clean air is returned to your home or office out of the top of the machine.
The Solution
7 stage filtration is much more effective than 3 or 4 stage filtration systems which many products use, because certain pollutants require specific filtration technology to either filter or destroy them. A Platinum Z System uses 7 stages to filter and destroy many harmful pollutants other products cannot such as viruses, germs, bacteria, mold, bio-aerosols chemicals and gasses

Daycares and Preschools

Myth: Hand Sanitizer Stops Colds And The Flu
Using Hand Sanitizer Can Stop The Spread Of Illness That Is Passed Through Physical Contact.
——— However———
It Does Very Little On It’s Own For The Spread Of Airborne Illnesses Like The Cold And Flue

Fact: Cleaning The Air Stops Colds And The Flu
The Common Cold And Flu Viruses Are Passed From Human To Human Through Airborne Exposure To Droplet Nuclei. Spending Long Periods Of Time Around Others In Confined Spaces (i.e. At Schools) Increases Your Chance Of Infections
An Air Purifier Using UV-C

It's Simple!
It’s Simple! Polluted air is drawn into the Zephyr through air intakes located on each side of the machine. The polluted air then passes through the Zephyr’s 7 Stage Filtration System and clean air is returned to your home or office out of the top of the machine.

The Solution
7 stage filtration is much more effective than 3 or 4 stage filtration systems which many products use, because certain pollutants require specific filtration technology to either filter or destroy them. A Platinum Z System uses 7 stages to filter and destroy many harmful pollutants other products cannot such as viruses, germs, bacteria, mold, bio-aerosols chemicals and gasses