Clean Air For The Dental Industry
Dental Offices

In-Office Air Quality Contamination: What you don’t know WILL harm you.
Dr. Mark H.E. Lin - Bsc, DDS, Msc, (Protho), FRCD© July 2017
“As dental professionals, we are mandated to use universal precautions protocols, sterilize our instruments, and disinfect surface contaminants, but indorro air quality controls have ben IGNORED. Indoor air quality controals should clearly be part of infection control protolcol to protect patients, staff members and professionals.”
Fact: Dental Professionals Have The #1 Most Unhealthy Job In America
The Main Reason: Exposure To Contaminants, Disease and Infections
After analyzing 125 Million Workers In 974 Occupations, The Research Concluded That Working In A Dental Office Or Lab Was The Most Unhealthy Job In America.

The Cause
High Speed Instruments, Ultrasonic Scalers, Dental Unit Waterlines, Disinfectants, Ultrasonic Cleaners and Sic Patients All Contribute To A Toxic Cloud That Contains Viruses, Bacteria, Blood-Born Pathogens, Bio-Aerosols, Odors, Paticulates And Chemicals
This Cloud Travels Through The Entire Dental Office And Can
Remain Airborne For Up To 41 Hours!
The Solution
7 stage filtration is much more effective than 3 or 4 stage filtration systems which many products use, because certain pollutants require specific filtration technology to either filter or destroy them. A Platinum Z System uses 7 stages to filter and destroy many harmful pollutants other products cannot such as viruses, germs, bacteria, mold, bio-aerosols chemicals and gasses

Before You Buy Air Purifiers For Your Medical Or Dental Practice, Make Sure It Meets The CDC's Requirements
Requirement: An air purifier for use in a medical or dental outpatient facility should be capable of performing a minimum of six air changes per hour. This means it will clean the full volume of air in the room or area it’s being used 6 times per hour.

Dental Offices

In-Office Air Quality Contamination: What you don’t know WILL harm you.
Dr. Mark H.E. Lin - Bsc, DDS, Msc, (Protho), FRCD© July 2017
“As dental professionals, we are mandated to use universal precautions protocols, sterilize our instruments, and disinfect surface contaminants, but indorro air quality controls have ben IGNORED. Indoor air quality controals should clearly be part of infection control protolcol to protect patients, staff members and professionals.”

Fact: Dental Professionals Have The #1 Most Unhealthy Job In America
The Main Reason: Exposure To Contaminants, Disease and Infections
After analyzing 125 Million Workers In 974 Occupations, The Research Concluded That Working In A Dental Office Or Lab Was The Most Unhealthy Job In America.

The Cause
High Speed Instruments, Ultrasonic Scalers, Dental Unit Waterlines, Disinfectants, Ultrasonic Cleaners and Sic Patients All Contribute To A Toxic Cloud That Contains Viruses, Bacteria, Blood-Born Pathogens, Bio-Aerosols, Odors, Paticulates And Chemicals
This Cloud Travels Through The Entire Dental Office And Can
Remain Airborne For Up To 41 Hours!

The Solution
7 stage filtration is much more effective than 3 or 4 stage filtration systems which many products use, because certain pollutants require specific filtration technology to either filter or destroy them. A Platinum Z System uses 7 stages to filter and destroy many harmful pollutants other products cannot such as viruses, germs, bacteria, mold, bio-aerosols chemicals and gasses

Before You Buy Air Purifiers For Your Medical Or Dental Practice, Make Sure It Meets The CDC's Requirements
Requirement: An air purifier for use in a medical or dental outpatient facility should be capable of performing a minimum of six air changes per hour. This means it will clean the full volume of air in the room or area it’s being used 6 times per hour.