What Others Are Saying About Their Zephyr Air Purifier


To: Zephyr,

I am writing to express my satisfaction with the Zephyr air cleaner which I purchased in December 2009. I have several cats and a dog, and being a very proud person I normally vacuum and dust every other day, and Swiffer the hardwood floors everyday to pick up cat hairs. I have an open house concept with a wood stove in the basement and another on the main floor. These are kept going all winter and the fine ash produced calls for regular dusting. However, I find that my table tops and credenzas are not showing any near so much dust. Two days after dusting, I find no appreciable build up, and it smells so fresh everywhere, and I am not getting the sinus problems that usually bother me in the winter with the dry air. It was three weeks before I did the first cleaning of the pre-filter, and what came off of it showed where all the dust, ash and pet hair had been collecting. I believe that even in the summer, which I have the windows open that my house will stay cleaner, and that I will not suffer so much from the dust/pollen allergies I have had in the past. With the smaller unit running in the bedroom, dust is less noticeable, and I am sleeping better.

Thank you,


Dear Zephyr,

I purchased my Zephyr a little over a year ago and just wanted to let you know how happy I am with it. My husband and I have owned air cleaners in the past but found they never did what we had hoped or expected. After doing extensive research and owning numerous products, I have to say that nothing beats the Zephyr. We have noticed nothing but superb results that have exceeded our expectations. Although the initial investment was not cheap, it has proven to be the most economical with your warranty, free servicing and filter policy which in my mind can’t be beat. I have told my friends and family about the Zephyr and am proud to say they are now happy customers of yours as well. I would recommend this product to anyone, even someone without breathing problems such as ourselves.

Thank you for such an amazing product!

Jennifer & Alex N.

To: Zephyr

For a couple of weeks, I did not feel well. Sore throat and tired all the time with no appetite. Monday I was off work, but returned the next day because I felt a bit better. Wednesday I went to the walk in clinic because I felt worse. The doctor told me I had a respiratory infection. The next day I felt out of breathe when I went to clean the snow off my car. When it took me 6 hours to get ready for work, I went to the hospital. My oxygen level was very low, 79. The doctor put me immediately on oxygen and did a lot of tests. After a week in the hospital he sent me home with a portable oxygen unit. Even the doctor was unsure if the level would come back up. I had appointments with specialists on January 6, they said I would always be on oxygen. None of the tests explained why my oxygen level was so low. At the end of January, I purchased a Zephyr Air Cleaner from Eco Health Solutions, for my home. I immediately noticed an improvement in my breathing. By the end of February, my doctor removed my portable oxygen unit completely, and my oxygen levels are now good. They had no idea what made my oxygen level so low, but it was “DEFINITELY THE AIR I WAS BREATHING”.

Thank you for improving my air with such a superior product. It has not only improved my health, but my quality of life as well.

Thank you Zephyr,

Lisa B.

Dear Zephyr,

Recently my husband and I purchased a Zephyr, and we are so happy with it’s performance. We can’t help ourselves from telling everyone we know about this wonderful machine. I have noticed such a difference in my children’s health, and my husband is extremely pleased in regards to that aspect, as well as the fact that we both enjoy entertaining in our home and with the machine there are no fowl odors throughout our residence anymore! It’s so nice not smelling smoke for after our guests leave, like we were used to before. Within minutes of the cigarette being extinguished, you can’t smell it! In addition, another point of interest is the fact the mold we had been getting in the shower surround seems to have stopped coming back.

Thank you again Zephyr for such a great product!


Tom & Rebecca

To Whom It May Concern:

I’ve told many people that I truly love and would not be without my Zephyr. I have felt so much better since I bought it and my dusting is way down, and my house is so much cleaner that I truly would not be without it. So thank you so much for coming over to see my family and I that night.

Yours truly,

K. Hall

Dear Zephyr:

My name is Bruce Lowell and I purchased a Zephyr air purifier from your company back in February of 2010. I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with my Zephyr and more importantly the service I have received from you. I recently brought my machine in for its yearly service and was impressed with your professionalism and wonderful treatment by your staff. Keep up the great work!

Bruce Lowell,

To: Zephyr,

We can’t thank you enough for coming into our lives with the Zephyr and explaining all of it’s points in a very thorough and honest manner. My husband has total relief from his breathing problems. His doctor after examining him this week is more than pleased in the big difference in his breathing patterns since his last examination, and literally gives his approval on this machine. We totally recommend it’s use to anyone that would like an honest approval for what it has done for one happy customer.

Elaine & Don M.

Dear Zephyr:

We have had the Zephyr air purifier for a month now and have already noticed an improvement in the air quality. My wife, who suffers from allergies has also noticed a difference in her breathing, as well as sleeping better at nights. The Zephyr is well worth the investment for now and well into the future.


Brandon E Walsh

Dear Sir or Madam:

Just a short note to tell you how pleased I am with the Zephyr air cleaning system I recently purchased. I am a smoker but the air in our apartment is fresh with no cigarette smell.

Thank you and continued success.

Anne Holden

Dear Zephyr,

I want to compliment you on your employee Justin, who provided my husband and I a demonstration of the functional value of the Zephyr air purifier. We were contacted by your representative who asked if we would be willing to agree to an in-home consultation, and potentially provide some “word of mouth” advertising if satisfied with what we learned. When years ago we purchased our home we were “high pressured” by a furnace installer to have an air-cleaner system installed on it. Despite regular maintenance, within a very short term we were disappointed as that “dust-zapper” proved itself ineffective. Thus knowing that controlling the quantity of dust accumulating and circulated by any forced-air furnace system incurs ongoing costs to maintain furnace efficiency, I did not immediately consent to a consultation, waiting until your representative acknowledged we would not be caused to feel obligated to purchase.

Justin was very friendly, courteous, and well spoken. As he invited us to share our concerns, we acknowledged ourselves to be new grandparents considering moving within two years. He patiently listened to understand our various reasons for not being in a rush to invest in another home air-cleaner, with our regret that long-term costs of forced-air heating had accumulated to become similarly costly as hot-water radiators might have been when we entered agreement for home construction. He very ably demonstrated and explained the many superior advantages of the Zephyr with respect to our on-going interest in air purification needs for future health.

Justin’s consideration of our family’s future interests and needs, representing you as owner of a company committed to 25 year service agreements in the Edmonton area, persuaded us of the excellent value offered in making a mutually satisfactory investment in health and home air quality – whether owners or renters. We are very pleased with our Zephyr purchase, for many reasons, but particularly its portability, 5 year warranty, and your company’s commitment to a 25 year service and “Hepa” filter supply policy. We wish Justin, yourself, and your company continuing success.

Thank you,

Alison B.

Zephyr Edmonton and the Zephyr were amazing!

We purchased the Zephyr XXL over a year ago and my family and I are thrilled with the product. We own a new home with alot of VOC’s that we were quite worried about with our newborn and were searching for an air purifier but didn’t find anything in stores that was cost effective. Then we got a call from Eco Health Solutions. The salesman was so understanding and really educated us on things we didn’t even consider. Plus they service our machine for 25 years, plus free filters! Who does that?

We just had our first one year servicing and it was great, everything as they said and more. Thank you again Zephyr for helping us out and we would refer them to anyone and everyone!

The Brickman’s

Thanks Zephyr!

My wife and I purchased the Zephyr XXL over a year ago and we thought that was a long enough time to try out the product and put up a review. We absolutely love it!!! We both suffered from headaches and as we learned when the representative came out, this can be caused by poor indoor air quality. We searched high and low for different air purifiers and they all seemed to work the same and had expensive filters. Then you found us and we are so thankful!

Headaches are gone! We just had our first annual service and you guys are awesome and looking forward to the next 24 years of servicing and free filters!

Johnny B.

An open letter of recommendation 2012:

We purchased a Zephyr air purifier in July of 2011 due to my various allergies including pet dander and dust.  Being the loving owner of 3 beautiful cats (1 long hair and 2 short hairs), I needed to find some way other then eating allergy pills like candy in order to deal with the dander.  We originally had purchased a smaller air purifier from a store but soon discovered this system did not alleviate my symptoms, rather it seemed to aggravate them.  We were considering our options for getting a built-in system or such when low and behold Zephyr’s sales lady Melissa showed up to demonstrate the model.  In the time of 1+ hours or so that she was at our home and the system was running I noticed a marked improvement in the air quality.

Since owning the system my consumption of allergy pills has gone from daily to the occasional one perhaps every 2-3 months!  I have been able to enjoy life much more pleasantly since the introduction of the Zephyr (and slept better also!).  This is truly a remarkable unit!  I would strongly recommend this system to anyone with allergies or asthma or who wants a better quality of air in general in their home.

Thank you Zephyr!


Neil R.

A very satisfied Zephyr client!

To: Zephyr,

I just wanted to let you know how thrilled I am with the Zephyr XXL we purchased in July 2011. To explain why we have to go back to September 2010 when I noticed that my husband was not breathing well when he slept at night and that he was no longer snoring.  In November 2010 he was diagnosed with a paralyzed lung.  Normally this condition does not effect a person overly much, but with my husband his oxygen levels dropped and it varies day to day and he gets very tired easily.   His  breathing when he sleeps is shallow and choppy.  He tried the breathing machine for the sleep apnea, which did not help at all.

In July 2011 we were shown the Zephyr and were impressed by the product, however it was the First Call Service that sealed the deal for me.  We were able to keep the unit that was demonstrated for us, and I placed it in our bedroom right away to clean the air in there for the night.   I woke during that same night  and realized that my husband was snoring lightly.   I was so excited!.  The next day I was telling everyone I know that it’s funny how most wives try to get their husbands to stop snoring and here I was thrilled that my husband was snoring and breathing better for the first time in over 10 months.   I personally do not believe that  it  is was coincidence that it happened the same day we started the Zephyr, because here we are 16 months later and my husband is still breathing better at night.  I’m am convinced it was because of the Zephyr.

Thank you so much!!!

Best Regards,

Marla Moore

To: Whom it may concern,

Pat came to my residence late afternoon on Wednesday March 13, 2013.  After the talk and demo, I purchased the Zephyr XL Air System.  It was set up and running by 5:00pm on Wednesday.

I will never win a “Good Housekeeper” award; however within 24 hours of having the unit running I vacuumed, dusted, organized paper, washed floors, etc.  I truly believe that this is a direct result of having the Zephyr Air System working in my home.  I am more energized and was actually able to accomplish something!  Thanks to your company, I am not sneezing, drizzling, or generally having a slower start to my day and I am accomplishing tasks around my house everyday.  I believe that is a direct result of having cleaner air in my home.  I recognize and want to acknowledge the benefits of the Zephyr Air System.

Thank you,

Bonnie F.

To: Zephyr Regina,

I have had a Zephyr machine for one year now and am very pleased with the product and service.  This machine has taken the place of three Orek machines that we had in our home.  We are heavy smokers and it takes the smoke out of the air so well that when people come over they can’t smell smoke and have actually asked if we quit smoking.

Karen Nukosky

To: Zephyr – Regina

We bought the Zephyr air purifier a year ago.  Since then I have noticed that there is no dust particles in the air and it works great in removing cooking smells from the house.  We cook fish a lot and within 15 minutes the house does not smell like fish.  We use the machine with the UV lights on and have not been sick this past year.  Furthermore, it has also helped remove pet dander from the air to the point where people with pet allergies can come visit my home without having an allergic reaction or attack.  I have been very satisfied with my Zephyr.

Rhonda Rusk

To Whom it may concern:

In regards to the Zephyr air purifier that we purchased in January of 2013.   We were skeptical at first, but after having it for 7 months now I can say my wife’s asthma has decreased substantially.  Being a smoker myself, there is no longer any noticeable smoke smell lingering inside our home like there was prior to owning the Zephyr.  In conclusion, we are quite happy with the Zephyr and are considering purchasing the Zephyr XL for our trailer.

Thanks again!

Dan Dzerk,

To: Zephyr – Regina

My wife and I were first introduced to the Zephyr XXL air purifier through an in home demonstration in February 2012 and decided to purchase it as my wife suffers from severe asthma and environmental fragrance sensitivities.  During the first month of owning the Zephyr my two daughters spilled nail polish on the living-room carpet.  In an attempt to clean the carpet, my wife (without thinking) began using nail polish remover and became instantly ill.  My daughters finished cleaning up the mess while my wife left the house; and used the entire bottle of nail polish remover.  You can only imagine the strength of the odor in the house from this!  The Zephyr immediately went from low into its highest fan speed as we had it set on the auto feature.   After about 20 minutes my wife came back in the house fully expecting she would have to leave the house again or at least stay in the basement well clear of the nail polish and remover smell.  To our great surprise when she walked into the living room the odors were completely gone!  The Zephyr had completely eliminated the harsh smells and chemical itself from the air where she was no longer bothered by it.  Since then, we have been very satisfied with our purchase, it has been worth every penny.  In fact, my wife has not needed to use her expensive inhalers nearly as much since putting the Zephyr in our home and have also personally noticed a huge difference in our air quality.  I give this air purifier a 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend it to others.

Patrick Campeau,

To: Zephyr – Regina

I, Leigh-Anne Weidel, purchased a Zephyr air purifier in October of 2012.  In my home the dust has drastically decreased which makes me very  happy because the one job I hate is dusting!  Before I purchased the Zephyr, my daughter coughed continually through the nigh; not long after purchasing the Zephyr her coughing stopped and I am happy to say she is still free from coughing still!  I love my Zephyr and am very pleased with it.  I highly recommend it!

Leigh-Anne Weidel

To: Zephyr – Edmonton

I purchased your Zephyr XXL in June 2012 so I have had a very good chance to use this wonderful air purification system and let you know what I think of it.

I’ve always had and or sold other air purification systems in the past.  I’ve tried them all and without a doubt, yours is the absolute best one I’ve ever used!  I can tell you that my home is a lot cleaner, the air I breathe feels fresh, clean and my home smells a whole lot better especially since I am a smoker!!  Another thing I have noticed is that I have not had a cold or flu since the Zephyr has been in my home.

I absolutely love the design and 7-stage filtering system.  The filter is huge with a very large surface area, I love the remote and always have it set on the auto mode.  The built in sensors work great and really determine what should be done to the air whether it be what fan speed it should be running on, ionization, UV sterilization, etc. (the list goes on).  Everything you want in an air purification system……this machine does!

The in-home demonstration is the only way one can truly realize and appreciate all of the benefits of this amazing machine; and your sales person was very informative and not pushy at all!!

I Love my Zephyr XXL and would not want to be without it, period!

I have no problem recommending the Zephyr to my family and friends.  Thank you so much for a machine that works as advertised!!!

Yours truly in good health,

Barry B.


We purchased our Zephyr XXL in February 2011 which makes it 3 years old now, and I still love it!  I had been thinking about getting an air purifier for some time, as we had water damage to the house and the subsequent repairs involved removing insulation, replacing drywall etc.  Even through everything looked fine, I could still notice a musty odor and the air seemed heavy.  About the same time, Zephyr in Edmonton contacted me regarding a demo of their product, so I thought – why not.  I really did not intend to buy, just have a look at it for comparison.  The sales person, who came to our home, was pleasant and knowledgeable, but the machine actually sold itself.  I liked the fact that it is portable and can be moved to different areas of the house, it has a good filtration process and a UV light for biological pollutants.  Admittedly, it was expensive, but I bought it, and I’m not sorry that I did.  I noticed an improvement in the air quality in the house within a few days.  Things started to smell better, the air seemed lighter, I wasn’t as “stuffy” and I didn’t have to dust quite as often.  The difference in air quality is evident if the unit has not been running for several days.  Sensors in the machine pick up on the times I am using chemicals or am doing something that causes more dust in the air, and the Zephyr adjusts it’s filtration accordingly.  It is essentially maintenance free except for periodic vacuuming of the filter and yearly servicing and filter replacement provided by Zephyr.

It has definitely improved the air in our home.  Thank You.

Elaine Galenza

To Whom it May Concern;

My name is Bruce Plant, and on February 6, 2013 I purchased a Zephyr XXL Air Purifier in order to help me breathe better in my home.  I was so amazed with the results that I purchased the smaller XL for my bedroom in May 2013.  Now I suffer from C.O.P.D and Industrial Asthma and have to go in regularly for lung function tests every 6-8 weeks.  Between my June 5th appointment at Northern Lung in St. Albert, AB and my appointment at the Edmonton Respiratory Consultants, my doctor, Justin C. Sabastian, told me my lungs have improved by over 10%.  He asked me what I had been doing differently and the only thing I changed was the Zephyr I had purchased for my bedroom.   I am so glad Eco Health Solutions contacted me about Zephyr XXL  as I would never have known about such a life changing product.  I’m so glad I can breathe again. 

Bruce Plant

To Zephyr – Regina

Before we had our Zephyr, Gordon had trouble sleeping and would wake up having trouble breathing.  Since we have had our Zephyr, he has been sleeping better and there is also less dust and hair in the house.

Gordon & Sandra

To Zephyr – Regina

I would like to say that we are very impressed and satisfied with our Zephyr machine.  We have noticed a huge difference in the quality of air in our home; as we are smokers and have a dog.  I will recommend this machine to everyone.

Christine & Joe

To Whom It May Concern:

We purchased the Zephyr air purification system only 2 days ago and I am overjoyed with my new found energy and sense of well-being in so short a time.  I am so thrilled to know that this is possible and I am expecting even better results down the road.  I am a chronic COPD patient and I am hoping that this system will help me avoid the necessity of oxygen support.

I feel that the price of the unit is well worth every penny!  My quality of life is already much improved.


L. Attwood

To Zephyr – Vancouver,

I purchased my Zephyr Air Purifier in August 2016. I am very impressed and satisfied with the performance of this air purifier. The difference in the air quality in the house is quite noticeable. I no longer cough and sneeze which happened on a regular basis before I purchased the Zephyr air purifier. The Zephyr air purifier is great at reducing the dust particles in the air as well as removing cooking odors.

I just picked up my air purifier after the one year servicing and was very happy with the service that they provided.

I would have no problem recommending this product to anyone with breathing problems or just wants to have a more pleasant atmosphere in their home or office.

Thank you Coast Air Medical

D. Kotyk

Burnaby, BC

Dear Zephyr – Vancouver,

My husband (Tom) suffers from asthma and I (Anne) am sensitive to second-hand smoke.  When we moved two years ago we were pleased to find an apartment that had not been smoked in.  However, things changed shortly after when smokers moved in next door and almost immediately second-hand smoke was present in our apartment.  Tom began having to use his asthma puffer regularly and I sniffled and sneezed daily.  On October 15, 2016 we purchased our Zephyr air purifier and noticed a difference almost immediately.  5 hours after plugging in and starting to use the Zephyr the smell of smoke was drastically reduced; and since our purchase and using the Zephyr, Tom rarely has to use his puffer and I have stopped sniffling and sneezing due to the smoke.  An added bonus which we have noticed is a significant decrease in the amount of dust in our home and therefore no longer need to dust as often.

Tom & Anne Busby

To Zephyr,

I must seriously compliment Eco Health Solutions for their product/air cleaner that we bought 7 years ago.  We have it set to run 24/7 and it has ran that way non-stop except when we have taken it in for its annual service….. where the service has been excellent.  It has been promised to be ready in as little as one day, that is what I call good service.  Aside from running continuously, when set on the auto feature you can hear when it ramps up to a higher fan speed/higher speed of cleaning and purifying when its sensors detects something like an air spray room freshener as an example.  Then once these kinds of small particles have been removed from the air it returns itself back to the medium or low fan speed we had it set at.  We love the product so much that we bought a second unit for our granddaughter who has 2 cats and a dog.  There are other air cleaners out there but none that can compete with this.

P. Cunningham

The Zephyr saved my relationship!

I am extremely allergic to cigarette smoke and to a lesser degree cats which give me a nasty rash. My girlfriend smokes like a chimney and has three cats so I would never spend any time at her house because I would suffer for days after being exposed to those allergens. Wanting me to spend more time at her house she purchased your air cleaner and it made an incredible difference! Now I can spend hours there with out coughing and sneezing or have an itchy rash from the cats. I love this machine and highly recommend it to anyone with allergies or just wants to have clean lungs.

Dale M.

Zephyr – Vancouver,

I wanted to state our appreciation of the Zephyr machine. We purchased it over a year ago because my grandson has severe dust allergies. It has helped him dramatically. Not only has it helped him but also myself. I have suffered from asthma and cough for over 20 years. I now have my asthma under control and my cough is next to nothing. The machine has helped to clean our home and we are very grateful. Thank you for making our home air cleaner!

Pedro Espinoza



Thank you Zephyr Vancouver!!

I had purchased my air purifier Dec 12, 2016 and I am amazed with the difference in my health. I suffer from COPD, it was a big part of the reason I got the machine. After 7 months of leaving it running everyday, I noticed I no longer needed to use my puffer inside the home. I still use it when I got for long walks, especially when I walk up a hill but I have not used my puffer even once in the last 5 months inside the home. I enjoy having a clean home and every time I turned on the vacuum even for a few minutes, I would start having shortness of breath and be forced to use my puffer. For the last 5 months I can actually get all of my vacuuming done without aggravating my breathing. I also notice a big difference in the cleanliness of my home. I used to dust every other day and now I get less dust in one whole week than I used to get in just 2 days. I now clean less often and still have a cleaner home so this really explains why I have a much easier time breathing. It also helps a lot because I also have allergies to dust but dust is dust so I still have some of the allergies now and again because I understand there is no way to get rid of all of it. I have not been sneezing and getting irritated eyes nearly as often and its good because the symptoms became milder so I don’t have to use the allergy pills. The last thing I notice is i have been sleeping much better since I get the machine.

I finally had my first service and filter replacement done and I was very amazed to see how black the filter was after just one year.  I do not smoke, I don’t cook as often, I do not have any pets, and I live on a very quiet street. To see the filter that black is amazing. I am extremely pleased with the unit and what it has done for my health and my home. I am also very impressed with the service of the unit and the professionalism from the company. I would recommend this product and company to everyone!

Heather Usen

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